Workers Compensation Insurance for Staffing Agencies

Temps are like fro-yo. They're temporary, they offer variety and they're a lot of fun to eat! They get boring after some time, though, and we recommend using them in moderation like if you want yoghurt - but when they come up fresh with new flavors , there's nothing quite like them. One of the biggest problems is how quickly Workers Compensation Insurance for Staffing 

agencies churn through temps and drive up losses for underwriters because their staff keep getting misclassified as "full time" or because they place them into full-time classifications that are underwritten at higher premiums relative to temporary staffing agencies (security monitoring for example). Plans that do write staffing agencies should understand that it is imperative to verify the operational definition is being followed by the agency being reviewed in order to fully mitigate risk.

Our Staffing Agency Insurance Programs

We have worked with our insurance carriers to offer workers' compensation coverage options to staffing agencies who meet carrier underwriting requirements and can demonstrate management know-how and a commitment to managing claims. Our carriers are looking for select staffing agencies that have experienced management teams or owners, as well as a track record of minimal workers' comp losses.

Workers Compensation Insurance for Staffing Company

Some of our insurance company programs have minimum premium requirements exceeding $5,000 and may require at least 3 years in business prior to offering a quote. We continue to have success with our staffing program and continue to update and relax some of our underwriting requirements with underwriters. Interested staffing agencies should contact us to determine whether or not we have a current market in your state that fits with your current agency profile.


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